After a tea of sausages and tinned tomatoes he sat by the fire smoking a cigarette. (Alan Sillitoe, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning) Continue reading “A Working Man’s Tea”
Food and obsession
I’m making him cook better. Absolute ban on frozen food. I must have fruit, green vegetables. I have steak. Salmon. (John Fowles, The Collector) Continue reading “Food and obsession”
Sibling rivalry
They sat down to a lunch of eggs au gratin and baked apples. Unspoken, the challenging testing exchange went on beneath the ripple of superficial commentary and question, the small bursts of laughter that exploded between them like bubbles released under pressure. They were meeting to be reconciled after fifteen years. (Rosamond Lehmann, The Echoing Grove) Continue reading “Sibling rivalry”
Growing up
Joanna brought back … some small slices of cake. It was cake with two colours. Half yellow, half chocolate. Mama called it marble cake, but Joanna had some other name for it.
(Edna O’Brien, The Country Girls)