Eating with a French family

As I noted in a previous post – on Virginia Woolf’s To the lighthouse  – French food is very close to my heart (and stomach!). But whilst I have spent many enjoyable an hour in cafes, bistros and restaurants, some of my most vivid and long-lasting impressions of French food were nurtured in the home.  Continue reading “Eating with a French family”

The Delights of French Food

‘It is a French recipe of my grandmother’s,’ said Mrs Ramsay, speaking with a ring of great pleasure in her voice. Of course it was French. What passes for cookery in England is an abomination (they agreed). (Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse)

Without a doubt I owe France a huge culinary debt. When I recall my cross-Channel excursions, my memories are more often than not food-related: crispy baguettes, pungent cheeses, flaky buttery croissants, rich earthy cassoulets, gently quivering tarte au citron… I could go on and on.

Not only has the eating of French food caused me great pleasure, but so too has the making of it. I’ve had a great time learning to make baguettes, croissants, pain au chocolat and hollandaise sauce at La Cuisine Paris, a cookery school in the heart of Paris by the river and around the corner from the Hotel de Ville – I really need to pay them another visit!   Continue reading “The Delights of French Food”

Life after Life 6: Veal a la Russe

‘What’s for dinner? I’m starving.’
‘Veal cutlets a la Russe,’ Mrs Glover said. (August 1926, page 293)

In my introductory Kate Atkinson post I referred to the veal cutlets a la Russe, one of the dishes appearing in Life After Life that I had not heard of, and I promised that I would come back to it at a later point.

And now is that time. Continue reading “Life after Life 6: Veal a la Russe”