Food: A Survival Manual

The summer sun and the holidays mean I haven’t blogged for a few weeks.  But whilst I was sitting on my tropical holiday island – well, okay, the Costa Brava – one of my chosen books for holiday reading was the account of a man’s experience on a desert island, namely Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.
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Shakespeare the Vegetarian

I’m not suggesting that Shakespeare – or indeed any of his characters – was a vegetarian, but having a number of veggie friends and family-members who follow my blog, and being rather partial to meat-free days myself, I decided to research what Shakespeare has to say about the eating of vegetables.   Continue reading “Shakespeare the Vegetarian”

An Anglo-Saxon Banquet: Tucking in with Beowulf

Anglo-Saxon literature provides little material for the interested cook.  Emphasising, as it does, the heroic deeds of men, little space is devoted to the lives of women or to the domestic sphere.  

Continue reading “An Anglo-Saxon Banquet: Tucking in with Beowulf”